It All Started with Vertical File Cabinets

Vertical file cabinets fall into the drawer style category of office file storage equipment. Drawer style office file storage equipment is characterized by the use of pullout drawers which store top tab file folders.

Vertical file cabinets have been around for 130 years. The invention of the typewriter and all the additional paper it produced is what created the need for a better way of storing all that paper in the office. The vertical file cabinet became the modern paper storage system of the late 1800's.

Funny thing is, the vertical file cabinet is still found in many of today's offices without much change in appearance from 130 years ago.

Vertical File Cabinet Helpful Details

A vertical file cabinet is deeper than it is wide and comes primarily in letter or legal widths, though some custom sizes are also in existence. Wood was common in the early years for file cabinets but today the majority are steel in construction. Four drawer file cabinets are the most common, but they actually range in size from 1 drawer to 5 drawers high.

The old adage, "You Get What You Pay For" definitely applies to vertical file cabinets. While appearances may be similar, quality can vary greatly between the manufacturers who make them.

If you determine that vertical file cabinets are the best office file storage solution. There are several important components to a look at closely in order to determine product quality.

Safety Interlock Device - this is a mechanical device which prevents more than one drawer from opening at the same time which keeps the cabinet from tipping forward and injuring someone. Never purchase a cabinet that does not have this feature!!

Drawer Slide Construction - poor quality drawer slides tend to wear out quickly making the drawers difficult to open or close. So guess where manufacturers look to reduce costs in a file cabinets? The slides!!

Remember that old adage! 

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